Monday, November 2, 2009


The kids had a very fun Halloween! We went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood for about 30 minutes, and then the girls wanted to go home and hand candy out to the neighborhood kids. I remember being little and trick-or-treating for hours, trying to fill the bucket up to the very top. They love seeing all of the different costumes, though. Poor little Ryan did take a tumble out of the wagon and got some nasty road rash on his forehead. He was fine once I gave him another piece of candy :). Once we were out of candy we went to a Halloween party with our small group from church. The kids all ran around like crazy people on a sugar high, and the adults got to talk and hang out. It was the perfect Halloween.

I think I jinxed our family when I said how nervous I was for the Swine Flu in my last post, because we all got it except for Scott! I don't know how he was able to glide through, but I was glad he did so that he could take care of the rest of us. Hopefully we are done for illnesses this winter, I definitely think we have had our share!

Here's some very exciting news: Heidi had her yearly visit with the cardiologist this morning for an echocardiogram, and both of her heart defects are GONE!!! She has a perfect heart! We are so happy and thankful that she was able to overcome this all on her own. She is such a sweet little girl, we just absolutely love her to pieces.

My procedure went well also. The doctor called me when he got the biopsies back, and it looks like I have Crohn's. I have to have a couple more tests done before we know exactly where I stand, but at least we are starting to get answers. I am not happy that this is what I am dealing with, as it is a lifelong disease, but it is also nice to know why I have been so sick and losing so much weight. We are going to try to do as much homeopathic as possible, as I really do not want to have to take several medications every day for the rest of my life. I would also like to prolong if not avoid any surgeries as well. From the research we have done, it seems that by being very careful with your diet, you can go into remission and stay there for a while. That diet is no grains, dairy, processed foods, sugars, sweeteners, starches, blah blah blah. Most fruits, vegetables, and meats are on the "legal" list. I sure am going to miss my breads and mashed potatoes! But if it helps me feel better, it is worth it.


Erika'sMommy said...

Still thinking of you! Feel Better.