Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Halloween Graphics
Pictures of the most adorable trick-or-treaters in the universe to come soon....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Disneyland Pics

Here are the pics from Macey and Heidi's trip to Disneyland! Look at their precious smiles! They were definitely the most beautiful girls in the whole park.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Vote for Ryan and Jenna!

If you would, please vote for the twinsies! They are the ones in the adorable pink and blue octopus costumes.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I've been tagged

This one is from Megan in Florida.

10 Years Ago (Oct. 1998):
1. I was getting ready to move back to AZ from CA
2. I had graduated from high school the previous May
3. I was 1 month away from meeting Scott
4. I was driving my mom to an early grave with the people I was hanging out with (sorry Mom!)
5. I was probably sick because for some strange reason I am sick on every Halloween

5 Things on Today's "To Do" List:
1. Keep my sanity
2. Take Heidi to school
3. Pick up Macey from school
4. Try to get the 3 little ones to nap at the same time (Success!)
5. Get some homework done

5 Things that I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Pay off all our debt
2. Invest
3. College funds/retirement
4. Travel
5. SHOP!!!

5 Places I have lived:
1. Springfield, VA
2. Highland, CA
3. Altus, OK
4. Gilbert/Mesa, AZ
5. Sacramento, CA

5 Jobs I have had:
1. Banner Desert Medical Center
2. Cornerstone Pediatric Urgent Care
3. Body Sculpting Center
4. University OB/GYN
5. East Valley OB/GYN

I tag whoever wants to be tagged!


Here's the table shot for you Megan!

Ryan loves pushing Marley around in this doll stroller.

Heidi's new haircut.

Supermodel. It looks like a photo from a magazine! Have you ever seen longer eyelashes?

The best big sister in the whole wide world. She is so amazing, I love my little Macey so much and I am so proud to be her Mom.

As you can see from these pictures, we have a very full house! I didn't think that life could get any busier, but I was mistaken. It's definitely busier, but Marley is just so stinkin' sweet that it makes it worth it. She is so snuggly and just loves the other kids. They play all day long, and the younger three are all napping at the same time! God must have known I needed to clean up and start dinner, so he sent down three heavenly sedatives that landed on Marley, Ryan, and Jenna at 11:00 this morning. We absolutely love having Marley here, she brings even more love, sweetness, and joy (and pink!) into our home.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Table for seven, please

We are getting a new kitchen table to fit our ever expanding family, and our much used table for a family of four needs a new home! If you want it, it's yours. It is counter-height, 4 chairs, and has dark wood. This table has been used as an eating table, craft table, homework table, etc, and it shows signs of its multipurposeness (I made that word up myself). It would be a great table for a play room or game room. Let me know if you want it! :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I got out of Jury Duty today! I was so glad. The recording last night said to call today at 11:00 to see if I needed to report. So at 11:00 I called, and they said I had to report at the downtown courthouse at 1:00. What?! That gave me 2 hours to get ready, get Scott home or find a sitter, and drive to downtown Phoenix. So I called the courthouse and talked to the sweetest woman in the world, my new best friend, who told me that now stay-at-home moms can be excused from Jury Duty!
We are almost all ready for Halloween. Scott still needs to put decorations up, but all of the kids have costumes, and I have the night off of school. I can't wait to see the twins walking up to the door in their little octopus costumes holding little candy buckets (for me, of course). I might die of their cuteness. Macey is going to be Hannah Montana and Heidi is Barbie Mermaid. Their birthdays are coming up in a couple of months, so we are starting to plan their party, and let me tell you, it is going to be fun!
We have a couple busy and interesting months ahead of us. Heidi has an appointment in November with her cardiologist to check on her heart defect. I am really feeling like everything is going to be okay. But keep her in your prayers anyway! My surgery (hopefully my final one) is November 11th. It's at St. Joe's, which sucks because it's so far away, but that is where the specialists are. I am not looking forward to that recovery, but hopefully I will be feeling a lot better once I get through it.
And finally, we have a little announcement. I'll give you some clues. It wears diapers. It sleeps in a crib. It wears pink and has adorable dimples and curly hair. Can you guess it? Well, considering I don't have my uterus anymore, you are probably pretty confused, so let me help you out. We are getting custody of my sweet little niece Marley who will be 2 in January. We had a home visit with CPS last night so they could check out our house, and we have a meeting with CPS and the judge Friday morning. So it shouldn't be too long before we have another sweet little girl in our home! We know that it will not be easy, but we never considered not taking her. We have a structured, stable home, and Scott and I have an amazing relationship, I know that we will be able to handle it. Life will be crazy, but I wouldn't want things any other way.

Skin Care Tip of the Week

Do you have sensitive skin? If your skin gets red easily, or you have a hard time finding products that don't irritate your skin, you might have sensitive skin. The best type of cleanser for you to use would be a creamy cleanser. Foaming cleansers have lathering ingredients that are known to irritate sensitive skin. Also, any fragrances in your products can make the sensitivity worse. Using mineral make-ups and fragrance-free products will make a big difference. Jane Iredale is a mineral make-up that is amazing and will not cause breakouts or irritation.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Cute Pictures

Here are more adorable pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Jake's favorite resting spot:

I can't remember what he was upset about, but he looks so cute:

Ryan and Jenna in their new jammies. They are so cute!

Ryan is taking something from Jenna (like usual), look at her face!

HAHA! I got it back!

This isn't great picture quality, but you can see how big Jake is getting:

Jake always "sits" on my lap when I am on the floor, but since I was busy taking pictures, he decided that Jenna's lap was just as good. I don't think Jenna thought so:

Macey and Heidi have been at Disneyland and California Adventures all weekend, and they have been having a blast! Scott's parents bought them Disney Princess dresses to wear to Disneyland, so they have been walking around with those dresses and tattooed arms all week! Priceless! Macey even went on Space Mountain. Princess dress, half-sleeve, Space Mountain. My kids rock. Hopefully I will have a slide-show up soon of their weekend. I miss them so much, I cannot wait to see them tonight.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Belly Laughs

Oh, the crazy things we do to make babies laugh.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Skin Care Tip of the Week

It takes 90 days for a blemish to reach the surface of the skin, and another 90 days for it to heal if it has been "picked" at. When you pick or pop your blemishes, it causes infection to infiltrate the surrounding tissues, and your body treats it as it does any other wound. Picking your blemishes can also cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which is a dark that is hard to get rid of. So don't pick your face! If you have blemishes that you just cannot keep your hands off of, see an esthetician (ME!!!) who can extract them the correct way without causing infection.

I am having so much fun doing treatments on my friends and family! If you are unsure that you want to come in for facial treatments, keep in mind that I can also do airbrush tanning, eyelash perming, eyelash and eyebrow tinting, back treatments, make-up application, and waxing. There are tons of fun options, and I know that a lot of you ladies deserve to be pampered. Email ( or call me if you want more info.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Macey and Heidi are on fall break this week, so Scott's dad and step-mom are taking them to Disneyland for four days. The last time we went Heidi was only 2, so she doesn't really remember it. Here is a video of them reacting to the news that they are going to Disneyland.

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous! We have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather and no school this week by playing outside as much as possible. The girls still love to ride their quads around, and Scott and I can't help but enjoy them too.

Our neighbor Dallas loves the twins and likes to give them rides in her Jeep.

I don't know about you, but I would do just about anything to have my kids play with my hair. It feels so good! Last night I wasn't feeling very good, so Macey gave me a "face massage", foot massage, and neck massage, and Heidi did my hair. He are some pictures of Heidi's finished masterpiece.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Skin Care Tip of the Week

I'm a little late on this, sorry. It's been a crazy week! Like I posted before, Ryan fell out of his crib and then Jenna's ear drum ruptured from an ear infection that she had absolutely zero symptoms from. Poor baby, she was suffering in silence without even a fever.

Do you know what the A, B, and C stand for in UVA, UVB, and UVC? A stands for aging, B stands for burning, and C stands for cancer. It is very important to wear a broad spectrum sunscreen that will protect you from the different UV rays. In a lot of tanning salons, they will tell you that their beds emit mostly UVB rays, so you won't burn as easy. But you will be subjected to a lot of UVA rays, so if you tan in tanning beds, wear a tanning lotion that has a sunscreen in it to protect your skin from those damaging and pesky UVA rays.

It is sometimes hard to find a sunscreen for your face that is not greasy. I have two sunscreens from the Image line that are awesome! One is oil-free, and the other is organic. If you are interested in either of these, let me know. They are really great products, and they don't feel oily under my make-up.

Thank you to everyone who has come in and gotten treatments from me! It is amazing how much your skin can heal from just one treatment. I can't wait to see what we can do for your beautiful faces.