Friday, October 3, 2008

Skin Care Tip of the Week

I'm a little late on this, sorry. It's been a crazy week! Like I posted before, Ryan fell out of his crib and then Jenna's ear drum ruptured from an ear infection that she had absolutely zero symptoms from. Poor baby, she was suffering in silence without even a fever.

Do you know what the A, B, and C stand for in UVA, UVB, and UVC? A stands for aging, B stands for burning, and C stands for cancer. It is very important to wear a broad spectrum sunscreen that will protect you from the different UV rays. In a lot of tanning salons, they will tell you that their beds emit mostly UVB rays, so you won't burn as easy. But you will be subjected to a lot of UVA rays, so if you tan in tanning beds, wear a tanning lotion that has a sunscreen in it to protect your skin from those damaging and pesky UVA rays.

It is sometimes hard to find a sunscreen for your face that is not greasy. I have two sunscreens from the Image line that are awesome! One is oil-free, and the other is organic. If you are interested in either of these, let me know. They are really great products, and they don't feel oily under my make-up.

Thank you to everyone who has come in and gotten treatments from me! It is amazing how much your skin can heal from just one treatment. I can't wait to see what we can do for your beautiful faces.


Jami Baker said...

What school are you going to? I just might have to take you up in getting a treatment from you! I love facials!! I love your reading tips!