Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Baby Jail

Our little monkey boy Ryan gave us quite a scare yesterday when he climbed out of his crib and landed on his head. He's doing better today, but now he knows that he can get out! We bought a crib tent to put on his crib, and it is so funny. He looks like a little inmate.

I know that I have been lacking in the picture department lately, so here are some cute random pics of the kiddos.
Jenna eating a peach

Up to no good in the pantry

Sweet Macey

My Dad and Big Jake

Macey loves her babies!

Scott and Ryan

My little cupcake

Sweetest girl in the world. She does this new thing now when she really loves someone, she pats them on the back. We call it the "Heidi Back-Pat", and you are really special if you get one.

I know it's not nice to take pictures of babies when they are sad, but he has such a cute sad face. He was really upset because Scott, Macey, and Heidi went to the store and he didn't get to go. Look at his face; his soul hurt!


Arjun and Indira said...

What great pictures, his poor little face just breaks my heart! I cannot believe they learned how to climb out of the crib already, we are holding onto our tent until we need it. Those things are a pain to put together aren't they?

Anonymous said...

I am sad about Ryan. Glad it wasn't worse like our Bishop's daughter. She climbed out of her crib the other day and broke her arm in two places. She is only about 18 months at the most and now has a cast.

The Smith gens go on with the bumping and bruising. : )

Erika'sMommy said...

love the baby jail!