Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our Fun Weekend

We had a great weekend as a family. I love having Scott home every weekend, we get so much more family time. On Saturday the girls had gymnastics and then we went to a birthday party for my cousin Melissa's daughter Stori. She is turning one, exactly a month younger than the twins. It has been fun going through pregnancy and babyhood with Melissa and Stori. I got to see some cousins, aunts, and uncles that I haven't seen for a long time. After the birthday party we came home and had a fabulous UFC Fight Night. And what made the night even better was that my brother Jared and my mom watched the fights with us. Jared has been away for quite a while, and it is so nice to have my brother back. Jared, we love you so much and we are so excited for your new life!

But poor little Jakey, he has some hematomas on his ear flaps that we are having taken care of at the vet tomorrow. Our neighbor's pool is green so we are having major mosquito problems, and I think he got bit and itched so much that he caused the hematomas. I can't wait to see how much he weighs though, he is a big big boy! He is 11 weeks old and is almost too heavy to lift now!

Jenna and Jaken

My cousin Scott and his wife Crystal rockin Guitar Hero

Heidi and Naomi

Jared, Macey, and Heidi

Monkey-boy Ryan climbing on the couch

Uh-oh, I got caught!

Yes! I made it!

It's too early for pictures Mom.

Ryan getting another haircut

So big! We get to sit in big boy and big girl carseats now!

He loves to climb into boxes and have us push him around the house.


We were lucky to have a visit from Grandpa this weekend too!

Silly little Macey

The next couple of weeks are going to be crazy around here. Scott leaves on Wednesday to go elk hunting for 10 days in Flagstaff. I'm excited for him, but its going to be a long 10 days, I'm not gonna lie. Then 2 days after he gets back I am going to Long Beach for an Esthetics convention with a friend from my class. I am super excited, we will have a ton of fun.

BTW, can you believe that it's already September? Time is flying!


Anonymous said...

Your dad has grandpa Smiths mouth. but I can also see Kammer's look on him too. (But mostly grandpa) Can you believe this month on the 11th it will be 6 months since he went to Heaven. I'm going through a sadness moment at the time. : )