Monday, September 15, 2008

Is it Thursday yet?

Let me start be saying that I am 100% supportive of Scott and I am so glad that he got to go hunting. He has been working so hard, and he totally deserves this trip. With that said, I am losing my mind!!! He has been gone since last Tuesday, and he isn't getting home until Thursday afternoon. Of course all four kids have to get sick while he is gone. They have been passing around 103 degree fevers. I am so unbelievable tired, I can't even explain how exhausted I am. It is so hard taking care of four sick kids, going to school, cooking, keeping house, and dealing with chronic pain. The silver lining to this experience is that I get to go to Long Beach this weekend with my friend Sharon for an Esthetics convention. I just need to keep my mind on that, and hopefully I can make it through the next four days! I miss Scott so much though, I'm not used to having him gone now! The kids all miss him too.

My surgery is scheduled for November 11th, but they have me on a cancellation list, so hopefully we can get it moved up and over with. I am not looking forward to the recovery, it will be the same as my hysterectomy, and it was so painful. I really really hope that this will be my last surgery, I don't know if I can take anymore. I also tested positive for interstitial cystitis, which is a chronic condition of the bladder, and I was given a prescription for a medication that I have to take 3 times a day for the rest of my life. I absolutely hate taking medication, but if it will help me feel better, whatever. The prescription costs $100 a month WITH INSURANCE, so it better help! They also put me on a special diet that helps with the condition, and I really cannot eat anything. Vegetables, chicken, and some grains are okay, but almost everything else is off limits. No fruit, sugars, or anything that has any type of acid in it. This is going to be hard. I love my Rice Krispy Treats and Mexican food!

On Friday night Macey, Heidi and I were going to have a big slumber party in my bed and watch movies and eat popcorn (which I am not supposed to have). I had to do a bunch of things before we started, so I was saying, "Let me do the dishes, take out the trash, do this, do that...". Macey said, "Seriously?! Mothers have so much work!" It was nice to be recognized for everything that I am doing around here. I have the sweetest kids on the planet. They make it all worth it. :)


Arjun and Indira said...

Shelley, what a post! Macey is so cute with the things she said. Sorry your little bubs are sick, that has to make for a long day. I hope Thursday gets here soon so you can have some relief and get ready to go to your convention. I know that you are worried about your surgery I hope it is the last too! It sucks having to be on that diet. I have dealt with urinary issues since my c/s and I can relate that is stinks big time.