Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

I can't help but to think of every little emotion that went through me on September 11, 2001. As with everyone else, I remember exactly where I was when I heard the first plane hit the tower. I was laying in bed, I think I had hit the snooze button on my alarm about 5 times, and the next time it went off I heard the DJ say that a plane had hit the WTC. Immediately I was hit with panic. My dad is a captain for American Airlines, and at the time he was flying out of New York. Then as things got worse and worse over the next few hours, I could barely function. It took several hours to finally find out that my dad was not on one of those planes, and the relief was unimaginable. For several hours I thought that I might have lost my dad in that horror in New York. I was pregnant with Macey at the time, and I remember being so scared that I was going to lose her or deliver her because I was so distraught. Unfortunately, my dad lost very good friends on those planes. Today I am remembering those who died, and those who lost loved ones. I am seeing those pictures in my head of people running, covered in ash and blood, not being able to comprehend what is going on. I am thinking about the firefighters and the police who without a second thought ran into those buildings to get people out safely, but never made it home to their families. I am thinking about my dad, and how I don't know if I could have lived if he had not. I will NEVER forget!


jtguttman said...

What a beautiful post Shelley. My father had a business meeting that day in one of the towers, but decided not to go. It took me 8 hours to find out he was okay. It was such a scary time. Lots of hugs to your family!

Arjun and Indira said...

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Anonymous said...

Your dad was pretty close to could have been one of those.