Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Petting Zoo 2009

For the girls' birthday party we had a petting zoo and over 20 very excited and very loud little girls (there were a couple of little boys, too, but they were severely outnumbered.) It was so much fun, and it made Scott and I realize even more how much we want to have our own little farm. We had a calf, several dwarf goats, many rabbits and chickens, a couple ducks, a pot bellied pig, a sheep, and a llama with an anxiety disorder (sounds like a Disney movie, huh?). Seriously, this llama gets anxiety when it is around people for too long and it will start drooling. He lasted about 30 minutes, it was pretty funny.


Chelsea said...

awwww. i want a farm! how fun!! those little bunnies are the cutest. [seriously, though, a 5-acre mini-farm is at the end of our 10 year plan.]

Kevin Gadd said...

My first thought, "Oh my gosh, she is so fun! What a great birthday."
My second thought, "She must be completely crazy!" What an undertaking.
When I saw the picture of the cow walking down the street I thought of your neighbor who tattled about the chickens. That'll show 'em. If we can't have chickens we'll just bring in a whole petting zoo.
You rock!
Merry Christmas!
This is Molly by the way, I'm signed in under kevin's account