Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easter Pictures

Scott's dad and step-mom surprised Scott and I yesterday by taking the kids to get their Easter pictures taken. They took the girls to a hair salon and had their hair done first! So fun! I can hardly stand how cute my kids are!


The Varo's said...

you're right! they are too cute! i can't believe how big the twins are...they're not babies anymore. i just got levu the same little suit ryan has for easter too. i be it's so fun dressing the girls alike. so so cute!

hey, we are moving and i was packing and found that little hospital beanie of one of your twins that got into the bag of clothes you gave me. i have held onto knowing that you would want it. when can i drop it off to your house? email me and let me know!

Angie Giannotti said...

Great pictures :) They all look great and are getting so BIG!!

Arjun and Indira said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! You have GORGEOUS kids. Jenna and Ryan look so big and "grown-up". These pictures just came out spectacular!!

andermom said...

Yes, your kids are SO cute! I want to reach through the computer and give them squeezes!

Anonymous said...

How fun and really cute and great pics.