Friday, August 21, 2009


Macey and Heidi started school on the 10th, and they are absolutely loving it. Macey is in 2nd grade, and she thinks that her teacher Mrs. Cole walks on water. Heidi is in Kindergarten, and she is in heaven. We decided to put her in all day Kindergarten because she did almost 2 1/2 years of preschool/pre-K, and I thought she was ready and would be bored with more 1/2 days. We are so glad that we made that decision, she definitely was ready and has done so well already. She has the same teacher that Macey had for Kindergarten (Mrs. Tripathi), and we absolutely love her. Mrs. Tripathi has twins too, so she completely understands how crazy life can be at home. It is still weird for me to "only" have 3 kids at home all day, but there is still plenty of noise and plenty to do. Next year we can start preschool for the little ones, and then I really won't know what to do with myself!

I am leaving on Sunday to go to Wisconsin for a class to become certified as a permanent cosmetics instructor. I am really excited to do this; it is a great opportunity and I am so happy that I was invited to this school. It will be hard to be away from everyone for 5 days, but I will be in classes for 10-11 hours a day and then crashing at my hotel at night, so it should go by quickly and then I can get back to my family. I need to find some books to read on the plane, so if anyone has any favorites, I am open to suggestions. I just read all 7 Harry Potter books in 14 days (LOVED THEM!!!), so I need some new books. I have heard that Hunger Games is amazing, maybe I will try that one.

Finally, my website is now up! I am happy with how it turned out. I am in the middle of redecorating my salon, and once I am done with that I will add some pictures to my website. Check it out at


Anonymous said...

I forgot that David and Macey are the same age. He is in 2nd this year also.

Kelly said...

Hi cuz! Your blog is so cute! I highly recommend the Fablehaven series; they are excellent books! They're fantasy books like Harry Potter.

Arjun and Indira said...

Aww bittersweet that they are off to school!