Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day

We were able to escape the heat this past weekend and go up to Pinetop for Labor Day to visit Scott's mom and grandparents. The weather was amazing, and as usual, we had a great time. The kids played outside all day long (without sweating to death), and we went on a picnic by a stream, caught a bunch of crawdads, and the kids all played in the water. Heidi found a crawdad that was so big it looked like a lobster! Unfortunately, in the chaos of trying to get 5 kids out the door, I forgot my camera on that little outing, but my brother-in-law Tim took his and got some awesome pictures which I will post when he emails them to me (hint hint Tim). We also got some incredible mountain storms, with crazy thunder, lightening, rain, and hail. I love storms, so I sat out on a hammock and read a book while it was pouring rain. It was so relaxing. All of the kids had so much fun playing, going on adventures with Aunt Clover, wrestling Dad and Uncle Tim, and playing in the stream. Scott and Tim took Macey and Heidi shooting, and the girls loved it! They are such girly girls, but they sure love doing things like that with Daddy.

My trip out to Madison was awesome. It was a very busy and exhausting week, but I am so glad that I went and got my certification. The class was Monday through Thursday, 10-11 hours a day. Then I would go back to the hotel and read for a couple hours before going to sleep. I missed the family, but it was nice to have a few days away. I have two classes almost locked down already, I can't wait to get started!

I recently finished reading The Hunger Games books by Suzanne Collins (The Hunger Games and Catching Fire). Holy cow, those books are amazing! The third and final book doesn't come out for a year, and I don't know how I am going to be able to wait that long! I was really lucky with the Twilight Series and Harry Potter, because I didn't get into them until all of the books had been released. But this next year is going to be torture! Now I am waiting for the third Hunger Games book, the final Harry Potter movie, and the rest of the Twilight movies. Whatever will I do? ;)


Angie Giannotti said...

Such cute pics of all the kids!! I've been looking for some new books so I'll have to check those ones out!

Nic said...

Hi. I stumbled on your blog and thought I'd say hello as a fellow twin mom! You look familiar to me but I'm not sure where from. And I think I went to school with your husbands brother. Is his brother Tim? If so, tell him hello from Nichole (frost). Anyhow, your twins are so cute. I had identical twin girls and now have a set of fraternal boy/girl twins. Aren't they so fun?! I looked through your twin mom blogs and I know MOnica too. Small world!