Saturday, April 25, 2009

Woo Hoo!!!!!

I'm done! I'm done! I'm done! I can't believe it! It still seems pretty surreal. It was very anti-climactic because I had the flu this week so I didn't get to go to my last day of school. Ten months of hard work and I didn't get my last hoorah. It is going to be very strange this week to not have to rush off to school. I will actually get to cook AND eat dinner with my family, tuck the kids into bed, and have some relaxation time with Scott. My next steps will be taking the state boards, finishing up my laser certification, and taking the permanent cosmetics course in May. It is all so exciting!

We have had the absolute worst flu-bug in our house the last couple of weeks. Everyone got super sick except for Scott. He claims he skated by because of all the fruits and veggies that he juices everyday, and he is probably right. But the rest of us wanted to die. Heidi and I had it at the same time, and we were both in my bed, each with a bowl right next to our head because we couldn't even roll over by ourselves, let alone jump up and run to the bathroom in time to throw up. It was miserable. Everyone is feeling a lot better now, Ryan seems to be holding onto the germs a little while longer than the rest of us. Hopefully by next week everyone will be all better and we can all celebrate that I will not have to go to school anymore!


Arjun and Indira said...

I am sorry you guys were all sick, glad almost everyone's on the mend...come on Ryan you can do it! CONGRATS on finishing school. I can't believe it has been ten months already I remember when you just started! Good luck on your boards!!!! Hugs and love

Char said...

Congrats!!! and sorry you're all sick hope everyone is feeling better now.