Saturday, January 19, 2008


Our sweet little Heidi-bug is having surgery this Tuesday the 22nd. She has an epigastric hernia that has been causing her pain and needs to be repaired. She will be under general anesthesia for the procedure. Scott and I explained it to her the other day, and she was mostly worried about getting a shot (IV) and whether or not she could have popsicles when it was over. But she is glad that her "bump" is getting fixed. If you could keep her in your thoughts and prayers, we would really appreciate it. I will post an update after the surgery and let everyone know how she is doing.


Megan said...

Poor girl! I'll be thinkin' of her. I get an ultrasound that day too. Hope the surgery goes smoothly. I'll check back for an update!

Otter Family said...

Good luck to Heidi. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you. And no we have not found a house yet. We were thinking that it would be forever until our house sold but we have a lot of interest so we should probably start looking!!!

The Gerard Family said...

Good Luck tomarrow!! Keep us updated and will be thinking about her tomarrow. Trust in the lord tomarrow she will be in his hands and will be just fine!!