Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lots of pictures!

Things have been so busy around here, I haven't had much time to blog. Between 5 kids, school, Scott's job, foster parenting classes, and extracurricular activites, sometimes I have a hard time just remembering to breath! Scott and I have been going to foster parenting classes to become certified foster parents. That way Marley will have a lot more resources available to her. Those classes are on Monday nights, and then I go to school Tuesday through Friday nights. It seems like the weekends are always packed full of things as well, so there is very little to zero down-time around here.

We are really enjoying having fresh eggs everyday. Out of the 4 hens, 2 are laying brown eggs and 2 are laying green eggs. I am gong to have to start thinking of creative things to make with eggs so that they all get used up. Scott has been working hard on the garden, he built a retaining wall around it this past weekend, and this weekend he will get the soil all ready to plant. He has also gotten into juicing, so every morning and night he makes these crazy juices that include all kinds of fruits and vegetables. The girls love helping him juice, but they aren't too interested in drinking it. The color kind-of freaks them out. It will be nice when we can go out to our garden and pick our own fruits and vegetables to juice!

I am getting ready to repaint and redecorate the whole house. I don't know when I will have time to do it, but I am pretty excited. I want to do bright, cool colors, granite countertops, window coverings, the works. I will post before and after pictures once I get it done.

Now for the good stuff...


Arjun and Indira said...

LOVE all the pics! Is that Jake your dog? Wow! You guys certainly are busy and you still find time to read a book and redecorate? Wow, girl how do you do it? When you are done redecorating do you want to come over and do my house too?