Thursday, January 29, 2009

Knock knock?

Marley was sitting at the table eating her lunch, and she said, "Momma! Knock knock?" I was thinking, there is no way she is trying to tell me a knock knock joke, she just turned two! But I said, "Who's there?" And she said, "Daddy!" "Daddy who?" And with a huge smile on her face, "Daddy rocks!" I was dying, it was so stinkin' cute!


The Varo's said...

No way! That is too funny. She must have learned it from the older girls. She is so sweet Shelley!

I do want to hang out, we are dealing with the beginnings of the beginnings of teething...not so fun. You know how it is (drool, tears, and screaming). I'll send you an email when I come back from crazy land so we can hang out!

Chelsea said...

LOL that is just way too funny.

bkbills said...

How cute is that! I love the funnies that these little ones come up with!

Char said...

I'm sure it was Scott that taught her that LOL Too cute!

Mandy said...

So cute!! It's so fun when they start coming up with jokes!!

I'll be in AZ sometime in the next 2 or 3 months, we should try and get together!!