Friday, February 6, 2009

What did you say? There's two?!?!

Two years ago yesterday we had our first ultrasound and found out that we were having twins. I cannot believe that it has been that long! That is a day that I will always remember every little detail about. Of course, Scott was working at the fire department, so I called him and said, "Are you sitting down?" He right away said, "Why? Is it twins?" So many emotions went through me in those first few seconds after I found out: fear, shock, excitement, nervousness, you name it, I felt it. Of course you have the fear that you will lose one or both babies, and then you wonder how much weight you are going to gain (admit it, that was one of the first things you thought, too), and you wonder how long your body will be able to carry two babies. But now we have our sweet little pink and blue cupcakes, and they were worth everything that we went through to get them here.
Here was our first ultrasound (Ryan was baby A and Jenna was baby B).


The Varo's said...

I remember those same feelings of excitement and fear and shock all rolled into one. After we found out we were having twins, Kali didn't eat for two days (he was a little shocked). I wouldn't trade this experience for anything! How lucky we both are to have our sweet little pumpkins!

Chelsea said...

oh my hell. i started reading in the middle of the first sentence, so i missed the important "two years ago" part. it took my sleep-deprived brain to remember that this would be the first miracle of its kind and my heart rate slowed and i was able to focus on what was actually written. it's been a long week. :)

~Sophia & Noah's Mommy~ said...

My name is Jeana and I love to follow your blog. I have boy & girl twins also. :) Your post describes my experience to the T. Its ironic bec I didn't do a post recently but I just put their first ultrasound pic on my fridge the other day. I was scared out of my mind but excited too. Can it get any better ... boy and girl twins we are so lucky!!!!!

~Sophia & Noah's Mommy~ said...
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~Sophia & Noah's Mommy~ said...

My name is Jeana and I love to follow your blog. I have boy & girl twins also. :) Your post describes my experience to the T. Its ironic bec I didn't do a post recently but I just put their first ultrasound pic on my fridge the other day. I was scared out of my mind but excited too. Can it get any better ... boy and girl twins we are so lucky!!!!!