Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Garden and Sickies

Scott is almost finished with the garden! He will finish painting it this weekend and then we will plant everything. We are also going to paint the chicken coop. We let Macey and Heidi pick what colors we are going to paint everything, and Macey picked turquoise and white for the garden and Heidi picked purple for the coop. We are going to have a colorful backyard! Here are a couple pictures of the construction process.

I am making good progress on my projects as well, but I don't want to post any pictures until everything is done. :) But I absolutely love how everything is turning out! I start my laser course at school tonight, and I am so excited! We do laser hair removal and lots of different laser treatments for the skin, including vein removal and wrinkle reduction. Can't wait!

The kids have all been passing around hand foot and mouth. These poor kids have been miserable! High fevers, no sleep, blisters, yuck. Ryan and Jenna got the sickest. When Jenna had it, she screamed for 3 days straight. She wouldn't sleep or eat, we were all exhausted. When Ryan had it, all he wanted to do was sleep. He would just fall asleep wherever he was when he felt the need for a nap. It was actually pretty sad. Marley got by with a few blisters, she didn't get a fever. Macey and Heidi both had high fevers and only a couple blisters. The only thing that would cheer the little ones up was Elmo. Let me tell you, Cinderelmo is even more annoying at 2:30 in the morning!

Jake must not have been feeling very well either. :)

Sick Jenna, surrounded by Elmo, watching Elmo, trying to eat something.

Nana brought everyone ice cream cones to cheer them up and soothe their sore mouths. These were the twins' first ice cream cones!


Momma Dianna said...
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Momma Dianna said...

Ahhh-I hope all your sick kiddos feel better soon and I'm so jealous of your garden! It is gonna be great! Look at you all domestic with growing things and raising chickens...and kids!

bkbills said...

HFM is the worst! Those poor kiddos! I hope they feel better for their sake and yours. 4 sick kids is no easy task. Also your garden is awesome! Good luck with it. Make sure to plant jalopenios and bell peppers, ours grow like crazy. Also basil, cilantro and parsely!

Arjun and Indira said...

OH goodness poor bugs! I hope they are on the mend soon! Hugs to you. Can't wait to see everything that is done!

Cari said...

I can not wait to see the pictures after everything is painted! I love you backyard and want one just like it! Sad sick kid pictures! Hope everyone is feeling better and you get a break from elmo.

Chelsea said...

i hope everyone feels better fast! i've heard how brutal hand-foot-mouth can be. i can't imagine it in a quintupled dose. at least your garden is going to frickin' rock!

Char said...

The backyard looks good already-can't wait to see the fun bright colors!

Angie Giannotti said...

Poor babies...there's nothing worse than seeing your little ones so sick and not even wanting to play :( Hope everyone is getting better and you and Scott stay healthy! I'm jealous of your soon to be garden too....I'm trying to get one started in our yard but have no idea where to begin....looks like yours will be amazing!!

Mandy said...

Oh your poor kids! There is almost nothing worse than a sick kid! :( Hope they are all better soon!

Oh, and I LOVE the garden!! I need that motivation!! (although you aren't supposed to plant things outside here until Mother's Day, apparently, that's when the freezing nights are supposed to stop . . .) Can't wait to see the finished products!!