Thursday, August 7, 2008


I got 104% on my first big test at school! Obviously, there were some extra credit questions. The test was 330 questions and 24 pages long. There is so much more to skin care than just facials, it is unbelievable. But I am pretty proud of myself, especially with everything else I have going on right now (4 kids, 5 dogs,...).

Speaking of dogs, we have decided that we are going to keep one of our Mastiff puppies and rehome the other two. We just don't need over 600 pounds of dog around here. They are almost ready to go to new homes, so if anyone is interested in buying one, let me know. These are the two that are available for adoption:


d feist said...

Nothing is cuter than a mastiff puppy. Dave and I really want to get another, but figured we should wait until the baby was here. Boss is about 160 lbs. - it sounds like a lot, but he is so lazy and sweet. You are going to love that dog!

Arjun and Indira said...

WTG on your test! I would love one of the puppies but we live too far away to get one and I am not 100% we are ready for one yet! I know it will be sad to give them away but at least you get to keep one!

Mandy said...

Awesome job on your test!! That's amazing! I can't even imagine doing that well on such a long test!! We are at our max. dog quota with our 2 dogs weighing in at less than 25 lbs. (together) They sure are cute dogs though!!

Erika'sMommy said...

Congrats on the test!!!

Cari said...

Congrats on your test, smartypants!!! Can't offer to take a dog off your hands because of distance and dislike!