Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good:
Ryan is starting to walk! He will take about 3 steps at a time and then sit down. It is so cute because he gets so excited about it, and he laughs and laughs. Jenna isn't too far behind. She will pull herself up on something and then let go and stand there for a minute. I cannot wait to see them running around together, it will be the cutest thing. Here's a pic of them in their jammies getting ready to go to bed:

We have been having lots of rain lately. I love the rain! I wish that it would rain more. Macey and Heidi love the rain, too. They like to run around in it and splash in the puddles. Ryan and Jenna prefer to watch the rain from the comfort of their warm, dry house.

Our Mastiff Jake is getting so big so fast. He literally grows overnight! One night he was not quite as tall as Zoe, and the next morning he was taller than her. I still love him so much, he is so good and so incredibly smart. He loves me, too. When I am sitting on the floor playing with the twins he comes over and plops his backside right on me and just sits there on my lap. He better get his fill of it now because soon he will be too big for that!

He's already as big as the twins!

The Bad:
Well, we managed to make it 3 months without any surgeries. I finally had my appointment with the chronic pelvic pain specialist yesterday (I waited 4 months to get in), and within 30 seconds of my appointment he told me that I would be having surgery again. This makes 4 surgeries for me in about 1 year. He has to go in and take out some stuff that they didn't take out when I had my hysterectomy. I am pretty frustrated that I have to go through this all over again. The cool thing is that this surgery is done with a robot! The bad part of that is that they will have to make all new incisions, so I will have a grand total of 6 incision on my abdomen. Scars don't bother me, but I really wish that they could just go through my hysterectomy scars. He found a couple other problems too, but both of those can be taken care of without surgery. His surgery scheduler is going to call me today to get that scheduled. Ugh.

The Ugly:
(Warning: graphic content)
As I said before, we are doing waxing in school right now. Last week my instructor said that she needed a model for a Brazilian wax. My thoughts were that if I was the model, she would do it quick and right, and then I wouldn't have to have someone who was just learning do it on me. I'm not real shy about my body, so I volunteered. So on Tuesday, she had me change into a drape (I don't know why, you're completely naked from the waist down anyway), and she got to work. Like I said, I'm okay with the whole nudity thing, but I guess I didn't take into account that the instructor and all 5 other girls in my class would be standing around just staring at me naked from the waist down. She did the first 2 strips, and holy cow I thought I was going to come off of the table. But I was thinking, "Just bear with it, it will be over soon." Then she says, "Okay, everyone gets to practice now!" Ummmm, excuse me! You are going to let 5 people who don't know how to do this rip hair off my pubic area?!?! The other girls were upset because they could see how much it hurt and they just wanted to have the instructor do it fast and get it over with for me. But nope, she made them all do a strip or 2. Some of them did it fast, which is better, but a couple of them were afraid to hurt me so they were doing it really slow, removing 1 hair at a time. I was screaming, "DO IT FAST!!" I am not sure how many profanities came out of my mouth, but I think I might have set a world record. To make matters worse, the wall of the room is all windows, so everyone who walked by got an eye full. So after everyone had their turn, she said she would just finish it up. Phew, now it will be over soon. Wrong again. The other girls went and started waxing each others' legs and underarms, and any time one them then needed help, she would leave me there naked on the table to go help them. Two hours. That's how long it took to get my Brazilian wax. The best word to describe that experience is "traumatizing". I don't think I have ever experienced pain like that, except maybe a few times during childbirth. Now, you are all probably never going to get a Brazilian wax after that story, but just know that this was definitely not a normal experience, and you can get it done in about 15-20 minutes in a much less humiliating environment. Needless to say, I will not be volunteering any more.


Anonymous said...

Playing in the rain looks like so much fun. Soon Jenna and Ryan will be out there too. You are very brave in regards to the waxing...ouch!

Chelsea said...

LOL at the waxing. I'm sorry it was such a terrible experience. I've had just one bad wax and it stinkin' hurt. When it's done right, you hardly feel it.

Big bummer on the chronic pain and ANOTHER surgery. That really sucks. Hopefully this is the solution that works for you!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I really hate to say this Shelley, but you are finally catching up or passing over me for the number of surgerys taking place.

Hope all goes well and this will be the end to that. : )