Tuesday, December 2, 2008

We have a diagnosis!

Finally! We now know what Scott has been battling. He has Haemophilus Influenzae, which is a very rare bacterial infection that everyone is vaccinated for as infants (the Hib vaccine). It is often fatal, and probably would have been for Scott if he hadn't been vaccinated for it when he was a baby. Just another reason why you need to get your kids vaccinated! Luckily, they have had Scott on antibiotics that treat this infection for 5 days now. He is feeling so much better, and his oxygen saturations are starting to climb. The bottoms of both of his lungs are all crinkled up because he hasn't been able to take deep breaths for several weeks, so he just needs to work on taking deep breaths, and then everything will be good. I am so happy to know that he is going to be okay. Thank you a million times to everyone who has kept Scott in your thoughts and prayers, we appreciate you all so much. I can't wait to have my Scotty back home!


Chelsea said...

what a relief to finally know and to be on the right track to recovery! hang in there.

Erika'sMommy said...

so glad to read Scott is on the road to recovery!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness, I have been checking all day for an update!

Many prayers fro you and Scott!!

Arjun and Indira said...

Thank you so much for updating us, I was waiting for some "good" news. I wish him a speedy recovery and lots of hugs to you all!

andermom said...

Thank God! I'm so glad he is feeling better!

Angie Giannotti said...

We are so glad to hear he's feeling better and you have some answers!! We'll keep your family in our thoughts and prayers for an uneventful Christmas and New Year!!

bkbills said...

Wow, what a relief! Maybe now you can enjoy some good health in the family! It stinks that you never seem to get a break from it. Also, I can't believe how much your little Heidi looks like you when you were younger! Crazy.