Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fun Stuff

We have been having so much fun having playdates with our friends! On Tuesday we went to my cousin Melissa's house in Phoenix, and she has two little girls that are 2 and 7 months. It gives me a little taste of how things would be if I had had triplets!


Then on Wednesday, we were lucky enough to have my niece Marley (Jared's little girl) over for a little bit. She is just the sweetest little thing, and she loved nibbling on the twins' toes.




We gave the babies their first bath in the big girl/boy bath tub. Jenna loved it, but Ryan was a little overwhelmed and he refused to sit up. They loved their light up rubber duckies that Aunt Lisa gave them. Thanks Aunt Lisa!






My little Guitar Hero!



Lisa said...

CUTE PICS!!! I can't stand how cute all of these little kiddos are! BTW, I posted a bunch of new pics on my blog today

Arjun and Indira said...

Love the pics and WTG on the big tub! So fun!


The Alpha Team said...

Congratulations on moving to the big tub! I'm still too chicken:) I just now saw your tattoo and I am SO jealous! I want something symbloizing my babies but I have to wait until we're through having them.

The*Evans*Family said...

So great to see pictures of you and your cute family. I can't believe you have four! Twins!! I don't know what I would do with myself. :)