Friday, April 4, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Wow. I wish that I had been prepared for how miserable that surgery was. The good news is that they were able to do it laparoscopically. The bad news is that when they got in there, they found a ton of scar tissue that had fused my bladder to my uterus. They also found a large amount of endometriosis. So since they had to remove all that scar tissue and the endometriosis, I am in a lot of pain. The doctor said that they almost had to go ahead and make the incision, but they were able to just barely get by. So now I have a c-section scar that is close to being hip to hip, two two-inch scars on either side of my belly, and a large puncture in my belly button. It's a good thing that scars don't bother me! They were only going to make me stay Wednesday night, but I spiked a fever and was having problems with my pulse, oxygen levels, and diminished lung sounds, so I had to stay another night. But I can't tell you how nice it feels to be laying in my own bed! With my sweet kids laying by me! My doctor said that I am on complete bedrest for 5-6 days, and that I am not aloud to lift anything heavier than 10 pounds for four weeks. Yeah, I don't think that is going to happen. Maybe the bedrest, but not the lifting part.

Sorry if I am rambling, I am still heavily medicated. I may not make much sense at all right now! Thank you to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, messages, and phone calls. I really have some awesome friends!


Lisa said...

I am glad you are home, but I feel bad that you are still feeling so poopy :(

joannabug said...

I saw your blog on twinstuff. I'm glad that your surgery went well, and hope that your recovery goes smoothly.

Your kids are adorable!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy. Never seems to turn out to easy huh. But I am glad all went well and you are on the recover side.

Take it easy as long as you can (easier said then done :]) You are a cutie and deserve the best.

Love ya,
Auntie Netty

Chelsea said...
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Chelsea said...

wow. i'm glad everything ended up going well. do they think the bleeding was from the endometriosis and/or the scar tissue or will it always remain a mystery?

good luck in the next few weeks!!! i'll be thinking about you.

Arjun and Indira said...


Sorry you are in so much pain, but I am glad overall that it went well. Try to rest as best you can and try not to lift too much!


The Gerard Family said...

Glad everything went ok and that you have help. I will pray for healing for you FAST!!

Jessica said...

Hey there! I also saw your blog from the twinstuff website. My dh and I married on June 23, 2001 and in Feb of 2007 we found out I was pregnant with twins! Your kids are adorable. I hope you recover quickly...