Friday, May 9, 2008

9 Months As A Twin Mommy

I cannot believe that my babies are 9 months old today! Where has the time gone? I am so glad that they are getting bigger, but I am sad at the same time, especially since we won't be having anymore babies. I look back at the first few months of their lives, and I am amazed at how much things have changed.

- Instead of eating every 2-3 hours at night (each feeding taking 1.5 hours combined), they sleep for 11-12 hours straight.

- No more delicious and free breast milk, now they drink a total of 16 cans of $28/can Nutramigen every month.

- We are down to about 10-12 diapers a day instead of 25+. Yes, that is at least 175 diapers a week, 700 per month.

- Macey and Heidi are now glad that we have twins. They hard a hard time at first since the twins required so much time and attention.

- They sit, crawl, hold their own bottles, smile, laugh, play, "talk", do sign language, eat solids, and hug us.

I miss my tiny twinkies, but I love my interactive babies. I guess I better start planning a birthday party, it is going to be here before I know it!

Jenna then:

Jenna now:

Ryan then:

Ryan now:

Always together:


The Gerard Family said...

Cute pictures. Time has flown by and yes you will have to start planning now for a party. I started a month ago for Haydyns and she is the end of June!! They always look so happy in all your pictures. Keep up the awesome work!!

Erika'sMommy said...

I LOVE the pictures...especially the swing one!

Arjun and Indira said...

It is so amazing how quickly time flies and how much they change not only in appereance but personality. I love being a twin mom and it looks like you do two! LOL


Lisa said...

I just love them!!!! I can't wait to see you guys on sunday!

Chelsea said...

they have come a LONG way!! i can't wait for the 11-12 stretches of sleep. i'm so deprived of uninterrupted sleep right now!