Friday, July 18, 2008

"Mini" Facials

Macey and Heidi were kind enough to let me practice my new skills on them. We put the twins down for a nap and turned some relaxing music on, and the girls both thoroughly enjoyed it. Heidi said that is was "the best thing she had ever had"! Their little faces are so tiny and soft! I think I had more fun than they did.
Macey's facial

Steam towel

Heidi's facial

Steam towel


Chelsea said...

my turn! my turn!

Arjun and Indira said...

How adorable. They are gorgeous regardless but I am sure they are glowing now!

Anonymous said...

I have a friend that just got through with her school and has her license. When she was at school I was a lucky one and got a free ticket to have it down (for practice/training) She took extra time on me and it took over 1 1/2 hours instead of 1 hour.

It felt so flipping good. She now works at a place that the basic cost is around $75 bucks for just the general facial.

I wish you luck and hope your new career gets lots of business. : )

(you can come out an visit me in Vermont to keep up the practice in between you busy schedule. (grin)

The Gerard Family said...

too cute!! They look like they enjoyed it

The Farnsworth Family said...

How cute!! I can't wait for my little girl to grow up and do fun stuff like this with her!!! My boys would end up using the towels as whips or just run around naked shaking their booties.

Lisa said...

THEY ARE SO STINKING CUTE!! I love these pics. BTW, Tell Macey that I will call tomorrow to set up an appt:)