Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I have tons of pictures that I haven't been posting lately since I have been out of commission. I will try to get them all on here now!

I am feeling pretty good, I think that it is just going to take a while to get back to normal. Hopefully, better than normal! My normal lately has been pain, and I am so ready to be feeling like my old self again. I got my hormone pellets put in yesterday (my 10th incision!), and I am really excited to see how good I feel with them. I had zero night sweats last night, and I slept all the way through the night, so that's a great start! This might be TMI, but oh well. Since I have been having so much pain for so long, poor Scott has not been having his "needs" fulfilled as much as he would like. I was nervous that after I recovered from the surgery, I would have no sex drive anymore, because that is part of menopause. Well, when they put in the pellets, they put in 2 estrogen and 1 testosterone. The testosterone helps with energy and, yes, sex drive. Scott was teasing me, telling me to have 2 testosterone pellets put in. I told the doctor yesterday that he had said that, and she said, "If I put 2 in, you won't ever let him leave the house!" She also said that once the pellets start absorbing, it might be very difficult for me to "abstain" for the 6 weeks that I am supposed to after my surgery. So funny.

We have had so much help this last week. Scott was able to take last week off work, and he was going to take this week off too, but our families have stepped in and are helping a ton. My dad, mom, Aunt Tina, and mother-in-law are all helping out this week so that Scott can go to work. We have such an awesome families!


Not feeling well, watching Baby Signing Times

Little gymnast

Tricky Marley!

Backyard soccer

Here, let me give you a ride!

Silly Heidi

He is a pro, unfortunately

This might be innapropriate, but have you ever seen tinier buns?

Handsome boy

Princess Marley

Here are the post-surgery pictures of my bruised, swollen, incision-riddled stomach:


Chelsea said...

ouch!! get well soon.

Mandy said...

Crazy! Hope your Dr. put in the right pellets (although maybe Scott doesn't!! ;-) Very cute pictures!! We will be down for holidays, maybe if you are feeling up to it we can get together . . .

Mandy said...

O.K. Just looked at your stomach pictures . . . Ouch!! Poor you!!

Anonymous said...

Ouchy - but with you being a tough cookie, you will be doing flips again soon. : )