Friday, November 28, 2008

Update on Scott

Well, Scott ended up in the ICU last night in Pinetop. His oxygen was really low, and his pulse was really high. His blood pressure was all over the place. When they did his chest x-ray and CAT scan last night, they saw something in his lungs that they couldn't identify. They did another chest x-ray this morning, and whatever he has in his lungs had increased dramatically. The doctor was very concerned because they couldn't identify what was going on and why it was getting so much worse so fast. He told us that there was a chance that Scott would have to be put on a ventilator by tonight or tomorrow if things got any worse. So they ended up airlifting him back down to the valley where there are more specialists. I got the kids and luggage loaded up and we drove home. He is still in ICU, but he is feeling a lot better. They were able to lower the amount of oxygen that they were giving him. They did another chest x-ray, and nothing had changed, which was good since it had gotten worse in such a short amount of time through the night. They still aren't sure exactly what is going on, they have to wait for several blood tests to come back, which could take several days. They decided to treat him for Valley Fever, in case that is what he has. He feels so much better, the high altitude was not good for him. I am just hanging out with him in his hospital room, enjoying some quiet time. Once we get some more answers I will update again.


Anonymous said...

Prayers up for Scott and for you as you try to take care of him and your 5 kids while still recovering from surgery yourself!!

The Varo's said...

You are truly an amazing wife and mother! Scott and those precious FIVE children are so lucky. You're family is in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh Shelley, you have been through so much and it doesn't seem to be ending. I hope that Christmas brings you great joy, happiness, and health.

Love ya.

Erika'sMommy said...

sending healing thoughts to Scott...and you!
Love Heidi

Arjun and Indira said...

Oh Shelley, you and Scott will definitely be in my thoughts, please keep us updated as we will all be thinking of him. Well wishes, hugs and strength.