Friday, November 14, 2008


I had to go back and re-read what I wrote in my last post, those morphine pumps will mess you up! At first I didn't even remember that I had posted from the hospital, and then I got on here and saw it. I was impressed that I could even spell and make sense! So obviously, I am home now. I came home earlier than I probably should have. It wasn't until the second day in the hospital that I realized that I had been put on the post-partum floor. I don't care how many kids you have, for someone who is 28 years old, has had a hysterectomy, and just had surgery to remove every other reproductive organ they have and be put into immediate menopause, the last thing you want is to hear adorable, precious newborn babies all day. I was livid. I was emotional from the intense pain, emotional from the physical loss I had just had, and my body was adjusting to having zero hormones. I asked my nurse why they had put me on that floor, and she told me that they didn't have any beds available on the med/surg floors, so I got put there. She also told me that several of the nurses and a couple of doctors who knew my situation were very upset about it as well, and had talked to the hospital administration about it. I was crying about it, and my nurse called my doctor, who gave her a verbal discharge order. It was probably the fastest hospital discharge in history.
I think that I am doing pretty good emotionally. I have started hormone replacement therapy, and that is helping. I am doing the patch right now, but I am going to be doing what they call balance hormone pellets. They make a little incision in your hip and put in 3 little hormone pellets. This is nice because you get an even disbursement of hormones every day instead of the surges you get on oral hormones. You also only have to do it every 3-6 months, so you don't have to worry about taking a pill every day. Man, things I never thought I would have to worry about at 28-years-old.
As I said in my last post, they had to make 5 incisions to get the robot in and get everything done. One is in my belly button, and they other 4 are just below my rib cage, 2 on each side. They look pretty gruesome. My whole torso is so swollen, it is crazy. I was so glad that they found all of the things that they did, because that explains why I have been having so much pain. I knew that they would find cysts on my ovaries, because I have had those since I was a teenager. We suspected endometriosis, but they were surprised at how much I had since they had removed the endometriosis that they found when they did my hysterectomy. It's pretty unusual to have that much endometriosis when you don't even have a uterus, so they asked for my permission to use the tissue they removed for research. With all of the surgeries and pregnancies I have had, it was no surprise at all to have found adhesions. What was a surprise was that my bladder was totally and completely adhered to my cervix. They also found something else that they couldn't identify, so they removed it and sent it to the lab. I am really optimistic that after I recover from this surgery, I will be feeling so good and normal again. Hallelujah!
Scott has been an absolute angel. He helps me out of bed, helps me get up from the couch, brings me my pain meds on time, he is just the sweetest husband ever. If I am in bed and I need something, I just send him a text message (he calls it his "slave bell"), and he brings it to me. And he is taking care of all 5 kids, driving Macey and Heidi to and from school, keeping up the house, and cooking. He is awesome and I am lucky to have him.
I will be back at school on December 2nd, so call and schedule your appointments for that week. If you haven't been in yet, you have to come in for your complimentary facial! Just call the school at 480-964-7546 to schedule an appointment with me.


Momma Dianna said...

I hope you feel better soon tough girl! Hopefully this really is the end of all the crap for you! What hospital were you at? I got kicked out of the postpartum floor of Mercy Gilbert Hospital for the pre-surgery ward the day after I had Avery. I was livid too having a new baby being exposed to illness! How insensitive they were to what you had just lost and went through! Sounds like the same hospital or maybe they are all that ridiculous! I'm so sorry for the loss you feel. What a hard trial to go through at your young age. I'm so glad you got your four beautiful kids before this garbage happened to you. Hang in there!

Mandy said...

The fact that you didn't even remember posting while you were at the hospital made me laugh! Glad to hear that you are home and that Scott is being so good to you! Hope the recovery continues to go well!!

Arjun and Indira said...

I am so glad you are home and on your way to recovering. I am sorry you had been put on that floor, how insensitive. Now you are home with your loving husband and family and I am sure that will help the recovery time as well. Keep us updated and hugs to you!

Angie Giannotti said...

Glad to hear your surgery was a success and you are healing. Hopefully this will be like a new beginning for you! We need to get together again when you're feeling up to it!

Angie Giannotti said...

Glad to hear your surgery was a success and you are healing. Hopefully this will be like a new beginning for you! We need to get together again when you're feeling up to it!