Monday, June 16, 2008

Cari "tagged" me!

Okay, here I go:

my kitchen sink

my fridge, I guess its time to eat some leftovers

my favorite shoes (I am now addicted to Coach shoes); notice the bruise on my right foot near the tattoo, that is from the airplane incident with Shaq!

my closet

my laundry pile

my favorite room, look at those sweet twinkies in their beds!

the toilet

our dream vacation is St. Lucia; we went to Riviera Maya a couple of years ago but I don't have any pics because our camera got stolen :(

my self portrait (Cari, if I can do it, so can you. I want to see one of you on your website ASAP!)

I tag Lisa, Summer and Alexis, Pam Andersen, and Auntie Jeanette!


Cari said...

Thanks for playing! Classic story about you and Shaq. I wouldn't have been as witty or graceful.

KatieJ said...

Those stripes in the baby's room are so cute! Your house is so clean- I would have to take pictures of each room on different days because they're never cleaned all at once!