Sunday, June 29, 2008

New Ride

Well, we bought a motorcycle. Yep, I finally gave in. I have always said, "No, no, no. Don't even think about it!" But that was before we were driving 100 miles per day with ridiculous gas prices and a Suburban that gets 14 miles to the gallon on a good day. And I hate to even say this, but I kinda like it! I rode it a little bit yesterday after we bought it, and I was surprisingly comfortable on it. I haven't had a ton of experience on street bikes, but I have spent hours upon hours on dirt bikes. Not only is it fun to ride, but it gets 120 miles to the gallon! And when we filled it up yesterday, it cost us a whopping $4! I am not making that up! So I am going to a motorcycle shop tomorrow to pick up my helmet, and yes, it is pink. This is what it looks like:

Actually, the shop that we bought the bike from told us that they are coming out with a pink version of the bike later this month or next, so I am pretty sure that I am going to have to get one, and then Scott can have the black one all to himself. I can ride it to and home from school, and then only have to use the Suburban when I am going out with the kids. Or if I only have Macey and Heidi, I can just take the Mercedes and save even more gas. This whole gas thing is getting ridiculous, I really hope that it ends soon!

We were going to get a new computer, but that money went to the motorcycle, so I had Scott copy all of our pictures onto a memory card because I am so scared of losing them. Our computer is still in good shape, but you just never know when something will happen and you could lose everything. But I was looking through the pictures after we copied them and I found this adorable picture of my mom with the twins right after they both came home from the NICU.

I was also looking throught the belly pictures I have of my twin belly, and I started to cry because it really hit me that I am never going to be pregnant again. Even though I was huge and miserable, there is absolutely nothing to describe the feeling of having little babies in your belly. These pictures were taken a few days before Ryan and Jenna were born. Can you believe how huge I was?!

I know that I am crazy for being sad about that, especially after I see those pictures, but women have a built-in mechanism that helps us forget how miserable we were. And its a good thing too, or no one would ever do it again!


Cari said...

All you need is one of those side carts to attach to the motorcycle that all the kids can pile into. Love the pictures!

Arjun and Indira said...

We almost got a bike but got a car instead...maybe it isn't as bad as I think it would be. Isn't amazing to be that big yet when they come out ask how they fit in there to begin with?! LOL

Anonymous said...

Don't turn into a Evil Conevilett.

Chelsea said...

ty wants to get a bike, too. i would have been all for it 10 years ago but now i'm mostly just a big wimp.

and you look fabulous pregnant. i look bigger than you when i have just 1 baby in me!

Lisa said...

Those prego pictures are CRAZY!!! I forgot how big you got with the twins, especially when I see you skinny little butt now!! Where was I at when those genes were being passed out? ? Apparently I was absent at that gene pool lottery... :) LOL

Erika'sMommy said...

I wish I looked that great when I was pregnant...with just ERIKA!!!

Wooden's said...

jason is going to die wne he finds out that you guys bought a bike and i will never hear the end of it until we get one too...