Monday, June 23, 2008

Christmas Eve!

Yes, I know that it's not really Christmas Eve, but it sure feels like it! I start school tomorrow! I cannot wait, I hope that I can sleep tonight! I feel like I am getting ready for my first day of Kindergarten. I went shopping for clothes, got my hair done, got a cute Juicy bag to use as a book bag, and I have butterflies in my stomach! As I said in a previous post, I have been wanting to go to Aesthetics school for a long time, but the timing was never right. Now I am glad that I had to wait because this summer is the school's 10 year anniversary, so they are giving all of the new students diamond tipped microdermabrasion machines! I cannot believe that I am going to have my very own microdermabrasion machine! They are also giving us tons of Dermalogica product, which is an absolutely amazing skin care line. It just seems too good to be true. I would pay for school just to get the things that come in our kits! And to top everything off, I already have a job for when I graduate! It seriously does not get better than that. I am so excited!

I also have to share this picture of Macey at gymnastics on Saturday. She is getting so strong, her coaches are really impressed with her. She was picked for an invitation only level, and she is definitely the most talented in her class.

It is still so weird for me sometimes to comprehend that I have a son. He is such a little boy already though, getting into everything and being a little stinker. Today I put him and Jenna down for a nap, and about 5 minutes later I heard a huge crash. I ran back there, and this is what I found:

That is their piggy bank shattered all over the carpet. He was looking at me like, "Oops" and Jenna was looking at him with her mouth wide open like, "Ooooooooh! You're in trouble!" It was hilarious! They are getting so big, they are pulling themselves up on everything and cruising along the couch. Where did my little babies go?

And my sweet, sweet little Heidi. I could just hug and kiss her all day long, and she would let me! At least 10 times a day she tells me she loves me in her tiny little munchkin voice. Music to my ears!


Chelsea said...

i know i pretty much say the same thing on all of my comments, but CRAP! Your kids are cute!!

Rosebud said...

Merry Christmas....or good luck and have fun at school!

The Gerard Family said...

Good Luck today!! You deserve it, something for yourself!

bkbills said...

I was hoping so much to see you at the reunion! I was sad you weren't there, but I know how busy your life is. Your children are adorable and I'm so happy for you about school. I hope someday to go back myself. I'm so glad to see how happy you are!

Arjun and Indira said...

Hope you have a good day first day of school. I had microdermabrasion once and loved it. I am coming there so you can "practice" with your new machine on me! WTG Heidi on her gymnastics. That is hilarious about the piggy bank guess he wanted to see if there was anything in there!

Cindy said...

Hi Shelley! I was looking at your pictures and noticed that Ryan & Jenna's walls are painted similar to my Ryan & Emerson's walls! I had to make it work for a b/g! Here's a link to a picture...

That is so awesome that you are going to school, I love how excited you are! Way to go!!